Monday, January 22, 2007

Campaign of the Month

Everybody knows that Jesus was a 40-a-day chainsmoking lunatic that created a religion and then tried to give up. (On smoking and religion)
After embarking on a nationwide campaign in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, people had become bored of Jesus's babblings and magic tricks, (healing the blind etc...), so they didn't listen to Jesus when he wanted everyone to give up smoking.
Seen here, Jesus is actually on the cross because he wanted attention and this was the only way to do it. Later, the cigarettes were edited out and he became a matar. Take into account that Jesus was a carpenter. Wouldn't he know how to take nails out of wood?
Anywho, Jesus wasn't crucified by Pontius Pilot. He was killed in a David Blaine like stunt.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Funny Wacko of the Month

Mel Gibson is a funny nutter. Much like myself, he is a visionary and is not backwards in coming forwards.
His Father believes that the holocaust was fictional too.

Mel Gibsons two best quotes:

"Fucking Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"

"After drinking alcohol on Thursday night, I did a number of things that were very wrong and for which I am ashamed. I drove a car when I should not have, and was stopped by the LA County Sheriffs. The arresting officer was just doing his job and I feel fortunate that I was apprehended before I caused injury to any other person. Unfortunately I'd already accidently killed 4 Jewish people who were crossing the road. You should find them pre-wrapped in bin bags in the Los Angeles River."

Moan of the Month

This picture is called, "The invasion of the Goths". This is exactly what has happened. The German subculture of misfits recruits people who havn't any social skills and who need friends to talk about cutting themselves with.
Its a sad drain on the aesthetics of an otherwise beautiful world. (With the exception of other ugly people).
Gothic individuals can usually be found in colleges, universities, rubbish music gatherings and graveyards.
Their interests include:
Being gay or bi-sexual
Wearing make-up (Even the lads)
and partaking in wierd sex acts

If you know of any other interests, feel free to post them.

Dictator of the Month


With the release of, "The Last King of Scotland", this months dictator is ofcourse, Idi Amin.
(c. 1924–16 August 2003) was an army officer and President of Uganda (1971–1979). His tenure witnessed much sectarian violence, including the persecution of the Acholi, Lango, Indian and other ethnic groups as well as Hindus and Christians in Uganda. He said that he was sorry but the minorities were too bitter to accept it.
The death toll during Amin's regime will never be accurately known. An estimate from the International Commission of Jurists is that it was not less than 80,000 and more likely around 300,000. Another estimate, compiled by exile organizations with the help of Amnesty International, put the number killed at 500,000. Amin is credited for saying, "you can't call yourself a serial killer until you have slaughtered an entire race".
It is said that he gave himself the title "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular." Ofcourse, he isn't the conqueror of the british empire, health and safety was. We had to give those countries back because they were too dangerous and ruling them could lead to cutting your finger.

Exclusive of the Month

Bush is seen here in South Africa. He is trying to convince the natives that a kiss on the lips is the formal way of greeting people in America. (Its not of course, this is Bush trying to get some cheap homosexual thrills)

Film of the Month

Comedy/Roman Polanski/2002

This has a particularly funny scene in which a crippled Jewish man is tipped from a four story balcony to the street below.
There is some amazingly funny holocaust hilarity that depicts what a walk in the park the third reich really was. (For Germans)